Cataloging non-print and Internet resources
Mary Beth Weber 2002
The future of cataloging : insights from the Lubetzky symposium : April 18, 1998, University of California, Los Angeles
Moving image cataloging : how to create and how to use a moving image catalog
Martha Yee, 2007
Cataloging of audiovisual materials and other special materials a manual based on AACR2 and MARC 21
Nancy Olson, 2008
Organizing audiovisual and electronic resources for access a cataloging guide
Ingrid Hsieh-Yee, 2006
Radical cataloging : essays at the front
K.R. Roberto, 2008
Differences between, changes within : guidelines on when to create a new record
Association for Library Collections and Technical Services, 2007
Understanding FRBR what it is and how it will affect our retrieval tools
Arlene Taylor, 2007
Unlocking the mysteries of cataloging a workbook of examples
Elizabeth Haynes, 2005
Electronic cataloging AACR2 and metadata for serials and monographs
Sheila Intner, 2003
She's a professor at University of South Carolina, Columbia, in the Library and Information Science program
Cataloging with AACR2 & MARC21 : for books, electronic resources, sound recordings, videorecordings, and serials
Deborah Fritz, 2007
Introduction to serials work for library technicians
Scott Millard, 2004
Collection development policies new directions for changing collections
Daniel Mack, 2003
Magic search : getting the best results from your catalog and beyond
Rebecca Kornegay, 2009